Easy Meals to Make

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We all think we should eat more home cooked food, but we don’t have easy recipes to follow. Try these.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to cook your own meals. Home cooked food is best for growing children and aging convalescents. But the biggest problem is finding the right recipes to make quick meals. Since you’re normally rushed for time, you simply reach out for instant noodles and ready-to-eat TV dinners to save time and effort.

However, whipping up a meal quickly is not such a tough ask. Here are a few recipes to get you started:

Scrambled eggs with a twist. Make scrambled eggs more interesting by (literally) spicing them up. Before you crack the eggs in the pan, sauté finely chopped onions and tomatoes in a little oil. Add a dash of turmeric powder and mix well. To this, add two or three raw eggs and salt to taste. Stir continuously till the eggs stop sticking to the pan. Break any lumps and serve with bread.

Easy Meals to Make

Hummus. This Middle Eastern food item is yummy and very low on calories and fat. Soak two cups of chickpea overnight, and boil them the next morning till soft. Now blitz the chickpea in a blender with two tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of one large lemon and salt. Serve with pita bread and enjoy.

Garlic bread. You don’t need to order garlic bread from the nearest restaurant – just head to your kitchen. Slice a loaf into desired pieces and set aside. Finely chop three cloves of garlic and fry them in 4 tablespoons of oil on a high flame. Once the garlic starts to brown, remove from the pan. Now let the bread slices soak up the garlic-infused oil. Heat on a frying pan on a high flame to a crisp. Top with a slice of cheese or seasoning herbs and enjoy.

Egg salad. Boil two eggs and set aside. Chop vegetables like tomato, asparagus, cabbage, French beans and carrot and set aside. Lightly steam green peas and potato and add to the vegetables. Prepare a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice and salt and toss with the salad. Cut up the eggs and toss with the salad. Serve at once.

Quick vanilla cake. In a glass bowl, cream together 1/2 cup of butter with 1 cup of sugar. To this, add two eggs and beat for three minutes. Add vanilla extract, and sift 1 ¾ cup of refined flour plus ¾ teaspoon of baking powder. Add the flour in batches to the egg mixture and beat briskly till bubbles are formed. Line an 8 inch baking tin with butter paper and pour the batter on to it. Preheat the oven at 150 degrees for 5 minutes. Now bake the cake for 15 minutes at 160 degrees. The entire cake takes less than 30 minutes to cook. Eat hot or cold with a smattering of whipped cream or chocolate sauce on top.